Mechanics for Africa applied for a £15,000 grant from the Beit trust for the installation of a solar and lighting protection project on the whole campus to assist the college and workshop in the coming years with power stability. This will enable us to function during the long term load shedding from ZESCO, which continues throughout Zambia.
The solar project would give MfA an off-grid capacity to ensure that the college can reduce the amount of diesel used for the generator and reduce our carbon footprint. It was estimated that this pay back would be around 4 years in reduced costs from ZESCO and Generator combined. So MfA wasted no time and installed the project as soon as we could and some fund were available.
MfA installed the solar project around March, with a loan from the MfA UK reserves account and donations. So far this year the generator costs from January to February MfA spent K10,000 on diesel and since March till end of the July we have only spent K4000 on diesel for the generator over the 5 months. The solar project is already providing a massive saving to the college and is greatly reducing our carbon footprint.
This short report is designed to update the Beit Trust on progress with the installation including state of play with regard to finances.
Installation process
This project was completed at the beginning part of 2020 over a two month period, with two contractors undertaking the installation. It was complete as soon as possible to get the benefit from the dry season sun shine and the extra solar energy during this time and with limited ZESCO supply.
BEIT Funding
MfA thanks the Beit Trust warmly for the funding towards the solar project. The trustees, staff and students are incredibly grateful for the new installation and benefit it is bringing to the college and the environment.
Thank you for your continued support to MfA.
Harry Weld-Forester