Welcome to
The Beit Trust

Working for the benefit of the people in Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi



Grants are still occasionally given for very large new constructions, such as hospitals and schools. In general, however, most projects are chosen with the purpose of enhancing existing establishments or programmes, such as independent, rural or mission schools, hospitals and wildlife schemes.

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The Trust provides Postgraduate Scholarships for relevant courses at universities in the United Kingdom or South Africa. Candidates must be nationals of and domiciled in Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi.

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Emergency Relief

Damage from Cyclone Idai, Zimbabwe, March 2019 and the restored Umvumvumvu Bridge.


Black Rhino Conservation, Zimbabwe: Mabuya and her calf
Watch this short film to learn more about the Beit Trust

Beit-Sized News

Beit Cure – Zambia

Ward Expansion Report

Zambia – May 2024

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Saint John of God Hospitaller Service

Guardian Shelter Project

Malawi – December 2023

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Mambilima Special Secondary School

Girls Ablutions

Zambia – December 2023

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St Mary Magdalenes High School


Zimbabwe – November 2023

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Mukinge Day Secondary School

Classroom Block

Zambia – November 2023

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St. Patrick’s Secondary School

Duplex Staff House Project

Zambia, October 2023

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St Lukes High School


Zambia, August 2023

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Makambe Secondary School

Classroom Block

Zimbabwe, August 2023

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Mulanga Day Secondary School

Staff Flat

Zambia , July 2023

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Chileshe Chepela Special Secondary School

Classroom block with an office

Zambia – July 2023

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Beit Scholarship Association (BSA)

Beit Scholars are special and have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with one another. Once a Beit Scholar, always a Beit Scholar.  The Beit Scholarship Association (BSA) brings together present and former recipients of a Beit Scholarship.

We accordingly invite all Beit Scholars, from every era, to join the BSA Group on LinkedIn and/or Facebook.  Beit Scholars wishing to expand their knowledge base in particular academic or professional areas; to seek advice or help from those already established in their fields; or to begin or renew friendships or social contacts will find the BSA a helpful and welcoming forum.

For further information, please contact Ashleigh Mitchley, our Scholarship and Alumni Co-Ordinator, via email on scholarships@beittrust.org.uk.

Otto Beit Bridge